B i o g r a p h y
Christopher Martin Thomas studied at Bristol University, Berliner Kirchenmusikschule, Cambridge University and Kings College London. His tutors included Nigel Davison, Karl Hochreither, Renate Zimmermann, Michael Overbury and Nicholas Danby (organ); Martin Berhmann (choral conducting) and Anita Marvin (voice). Currently Director of Music and Organist at St.Alphege Solihull, and founder leader of the 'Rising Stars' choral outreach project, Christopher held similar church appointments at Waltham Abbey, St.John’s Hyde Park, St.Mary’s Wimbledon, Holy Trinity Geneva and St.John's Keynsham. During these appointments he conducted visiting choirs in the cathedrals of Llandaff, St.David's, St.Paul’s, Worcester, Southwark, Geneva and Orvieto; and at Beverley Minster and Christchurch Priory. He also conducted the Schola Cantorum of St.Ignatius College at a mass in St.Peter’s Basilica, Rome, in 2004; and in 2014 he conducted masterclasses with the Tchaikovsky Chamber Choir of Izhevsk (Tchaikovsky’s birthplace) and with the Udmurtia Girls’ Choir. Christopher also teaches music privately, and has held school music directorships in Derby and London, directing musicals including The Sound of Music, Oliver and Les Misérables.
Choirs he has founded include The Clerkes of Waltham, Waltham Abbey Motet Choir, St.John's Motet Choir (Hyde Park) and St.John's Consort (Keynsham). Among the works he has conducted are Tallis: Spem in Alium, Loquebauntur; Hassler: Missa Octava; Padilla: Missa Ego Flos Campi; Bach: cantatas 131, 134 and 147 (complete), motets: Jesu meine Freude, Der Geist hilft, Lobet den Herrn; Sheppard: Libera Nos, Reges Tharsis; Hieronymus Praetorius: Magnificat Quinti Toni, Gaudete Omnes; Monteverdi: Beatus Vir, Laudate Dominum; Schütz: O bone Jesu 7v; Handel: Messiah, Chandos anthem no.9 (complete), The King shall rejoice, Zadok the priest; Howells evening canticles Gloucester, St.Paul's, Collegium Regale.
Christopher is also active as composer (see list and samples of works on Compositions page) and lecturer, having been invited as visiting lecturer to the Royal Academy of Music, London Bach Festival and London School of Theology (see pages 'Lectures and Workshops' and 'Articles'.